Tmj Disorders Northridge Advanced Dentistry
The human body is composed of more than two hundred bones, some large and some small and innumerable joints, which contribute to the normal functioning of various body parts.
One such joint, the temporomandibular joint acts as the sliding hinge, connecting the jaw bone in the mouth to the skull. The entire concept of TMJ disorders is based on this hinge, which can cause excessive pain in the joints in the jaw and the related muscles which control the movement of the jaw. If you face any problem with the movement of your jaws, it might be a good idea to reach out to us at Northridge Advanced Dentistry and ask our expert dentists, Dr Isaac Kashani to take a look at your mouth and check is everything is fine. TMJ disorders can be hard to detect on your own, which is why, it is strongly recommended that you consult a dentist at the first signs of any problem with your jaw. Let us get to know more about TMJ disorders.
What should you know about TMJ disorders?
TMJ disorders are described as a problem with the hinges which connect the jaw bone to the skull. What causes these disorders cannot be determined accurately but most cases which have been studied so far, have revealed a combination of factors as being responsible for the disorders. This includes genetics, injury to the jaw and even arthritis. In some case, bruxism, which is the term used for clenching and grinding of teeth, has also been held responsible for the TMJ disorders, however, it has also been concluded that not all cases of bruxism conclude in TMJ disorders.
While self managed cures and solutions might be able to provide relief to some extent, one might have to resort to surgery as a last resort solution, in case things really get out of hand. TMJ disorders are treated at Northridge Advanced Dentistry by Dr Isaac Kashani. If you feel that your teeth need their help, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the earliest.
What are the symptoms TMJ disorders?
Knowing the symptoms of a problem is the first step towards its successful diagnosis. TMJ disorders arise from conditions that are not clearly defined in the first place which makes it all the more important to understand its symptoms and treat the problem with great care. Here are some of the conventional symptoms of TMJ disorders that you should be looking out for.
- Feeling of pain in the jaw
- Feeling of tenderness in the jaw
- Feeling of pain in any one of the temporomandibular joints
- Feeling of pain in and around the ear
- Facing difficulties while chewing food
- Feeling of pain in any part of the face
- Feeling of locked joints, which might make it difficult to open and close the mouth.
Patients who suffer from TMJ disorders have often reported the sensation of a clicking sound or a grinding sensation on opening the mouth or while chewing food. As per the recommendation of Dr Isaac Kashani, as long as you do not have a feeling of pain, in concurrence with these situations, you may not need diagnosis for TMJ disorders but it is still recommended that you get your teeth checked by them once, to rule out the possibility of any possible malfunctioning of the teeth.
What causes TMJ disorders in a patient?
As stated earlier, several joints in the human body are responsible for the smooth function of the body and easy movement of body parts. In the absence of these joints, or any malfunction in their original function, you can feel thorough discomfort and pain, which can make it very difficult for you to lead a normal life.
The temporomandibular joint in the jaw is what combines the hinging action of the jaw and supports sliding motion in the mouth. The part of the bones which come in direct contact with the joint are usually covered with cartilage tissues. These are further separated by very small shock absorbing disc like structures, which allow the smooth movement of the jaw. Now, as far as the cause of TMJ disorders is concerned, you can get the disorder if these small discs face erosion or move away from their proper state of alignment, or if the cartilage of the joint faces damage due to arthritis. Also, if the joint faces damage of one or the other form due to an injury, you might have to face painful TMJ disorders. Some of the other known causes of TMJ disorders are as follows:
- Suffering trauma to the jaw bone or to the joint
- Facing excessive anxiety, stress and depression
- Incorrect posture of the neck and head
- Constant grinding of teeth
- Excessive chewing of gum
In spite of these known causes of TMJ disorders, the exact cause of such situations is not clear in the dental world.
What is the procedure of diagnosis for TMJ disorders at Northridge Advanced Dentistry?
As with any health condition or dental problem, it is strictly advised that if you face any issues with your teeth, you must visit Dr Isaac Kashani at Northridge Advanced Dentistry so that your teeth can be diagnosed at an early stage and any problem with them can be brought to a halt before it takes a mammoth shape.
At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, Dr Isaac Kashani will begin by discussing the symptoms of your problem and examine your jaw to get a complete idea about your present dental condition. This might involve assessment of your jaw while you attempt to open and close your mouth or close observation of the range of the movement of your jaw. Dr Isaac Kashani might also press or feel the areas around your jaw to identify areas where you might be feeling any form of pain or discomfort.
After going through these exercises, they might be able to give an accurate prognosis of the state of your teeth and determine what needs to be done beyond this. If Dr Isaac Kashani determine that these is indeed some problem with your teeth, they might recommend a dental scan or X ray of your teeth and jaw, and in some cases, a complete CT scan to obtain detailed and sharp images of your jaw. In some cases, they may also need to perform an MRI to reveal problems with the discs in the jaw or the soft tissues surrounding the teeth.
In some unique cases, Dr Isaac Kashani might also make use of TMJ arthroscopy, during which, they will insert a cannula, which is a small and thin tube in the spaces between the joints, and a small camera, known as the arthroscope, to view the area where the diagnosis has to be carried out.
Treating TMJ disorders at Northridge Advanced Dentistry
Given the relative grey area that surrounds the causes of TMJ disorders, it is difficult to give a defined view of the treatment options for the same. Sometimes, the symptoms which might indicate the presence of TMJ disorders, might go away on their own but sometimes, when they do not, visiting a dentist might become pertinent. At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, you can avail treatment for TMJ disorders from a team of specialised and professional dentists, headed by Dr Isaac Kashani.
Treatment options might vary between surgical and non surgical options. Typical medicines which might be administered by Dr Isaac Kashani include pain relievers, anti inflammatory, tricyclic anti depressants and muscle relaxants. Pain relievers are essentially used to erase the pain from symptoms which might be contributing to TMJ disorders but as expected, they are a short term solution and the most common type of relievers suggested by Dr Isaac Kashani for this purpose are ibuprofen. Muscle relaxants such as diazepam help in relieving the symptoms of muscle pain and might be prescribed by Dr Isaac Kashani for a period of ten days at a time. Similarly, anti depressant medicines perform the job of relieving pain associated with TMJ disorders. People who suffer from muscular problems during TMJ disorders, might typically be prescribed injections with botulinum toxin type A.
In order to diagnose TMJ disorders, Dr Isaac Kashani may have to resort to various therapies including the following:
- Mouth guards: The patient is made to wear a firm device over the teeth.
- Physical therapy: Patients might be advised to perform several exercises which stretch and strengthen the muscles of the jaw and may include the use of heating and cooling devices.
Surgical procedures such as Arthrocentesis, Injections, modified condylotomy or open joint surgery may have to be performed to treat TMJ disorders.
Physiotherapy might be recommended by Dr Isaac Kashani since it can reduce the pain in the mouth and the movement problems that you might be facing in your mouth. Physiotherapy usually includes regular massaging, ultrasound treatment, performing specific jaw related exercises, use of mild electric currents that are taped to the skin and prove to be useful in treating dental aches, and learning to relax the muscles of the jaw. You will be happy to know that you can avail physiotherapy for TMJ disorders at Northridge Advanced Dentistry.
Some alternative treatment options also include acupuncture, which might prove to be very useful in relieving pain in cases where people suffer from TMJ disorders, and low level laser therapy, in conjunction with injections of hyaluronic acid.
The course of diagnosis which is chosen in any given case, largely depends upon the condition of the patient and the state of dental issues persisting in his mouth. Dr Isaac Kashani might have to perform a thorough examination of the teeth of the patient, before suggesting any course of action.
Treatment of TMJ disorders at home
Since TMJ disorders do not arise from any specific cause, self care is the best resort that you can choose to ensure that your teeth do not suffer the wrath of a dental issue. Several habits, such as consistent clenching of the jaw, grinding of teeth, chewing pencils and chewing gums, significantly contribute to the occurrence of TMJ disorders. Once you become self aware about these conditions, you might be able to save yourself from facing TMJ disorders.
Along with these self care habits, you must avoid the excessive use of jaw muscles. The best way to achieve this is to eat softer foods, which have been cut in smaller pieces. Try to avoid eating very sticky food which tends to stick to the teeth. Dr Isaac Kashani can suggest specific exercises, which can be used to stretch and relax your muscles. If you are facing pain in your teeth, you can apply a hot or cold compress on the side of the paining teeth to alleviate the pain.
When you arrive at Northridge Advanced Dentistry to consult Dr Isaac Kashani for TMJ disorders, make sure that you are able to answer some vital questions such as:
- The time when symptoms of dental issues began manifesting themselves or when you felt them
- If you have faced a similar dental condition in the past
- Your schedule, including daily activity patterns and any stress related activities that you might be indulging in.
- If you face any regular tooth aches or head aches that might have been bothering you for a long time.
- If you consume any medicines. Keep a prescription ready with you for reference by Dr Isaac Kashani.
What should be done to ease the symptoms of TMJ disorders?
Before you get the help of Dr Isaac Kashani at Northridge Advanced Dentistry, you might be suffering from a lot of pain in your teeth. While you wait to get treatment for the pain and the symptoms of TMJ disorders, you can always perform the following procedures to help ease the symptoms of TMJ disorders:
- Try to consume only soft foods, which will not exert a lot of pressure on your teeth or the jaw.
- Wherever you feel pain in the teeth, apply an ice pack to ease the pain
- Activities such as wide yawning, loud singing and chewing of gum should be restricted, until your TMJ disorder has not been diagnosed.
- It is best to try and relax your jaw muscles during this time for maximum comfort.
Why choose Northridge Advanced Dentistry to avail treatment for TMJ disorders?
Going in for a dental treatment might be one of the hardest decisions that you make in your life but remains an important one nevertheless. This is why you should not make the mistake of choosing the wrong dental clinic or dentist for the treatment of TMJ disorders. At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, you are given every benefit and facility that you can imagine, for the smooth treatment of your teeth, without having to go through much pain or discomfort.
Every dental treatment at our clinic is provided by qualified and professional dentists, under the direct supervision of Dr Isaac Kashani. As a result, utmost care is taken to ensure the accuracy and seamlessness of the dental treatment. With one of the most economic treatment rates for every dental treatment in Northridge, California, our clinic is the choice of dental treatments for a majority of people residing in Northridge and areas around it. Our dentists are committed to deliver the highest degree of comfort and relief at the earliest signs of troubles with your teeth, which is why, you can rely on them for any dental problem that you might be facing.
Given the uncertain nature of TMJ disorders, patients tend to feel confused and doubtful about the right time when they should seek diagnosis from Dr Isaac Kashani or when they should walk in for a quick consultation. From our experience, we would strongly recommend that this visit should be made at the earliest, even if all is fine with your teeth. Having one of our professional dentists examine your teeth is the best way to ensure that they remain free of any type of pain or issues in the future. We offer reliable and easy payment options for all dental treatments, about which you can get to know more, by contacting our front desk. If there is any other way in which we might be of help to you or to your family or a known one, feel free to contact us and seek a solution to your dental troubles from our experts, Dr Isaac Kashani.

TMD or Temporomadibular Disorder is a term used to describe the diseases caused by an affected TMJ . There are variations of issues that can occur with the TMJ including but not limited to popping, clicking, or locking. For this reason, every patient must be evaluated and treated differently. We start with an initial consultation. Treatments can range from the simplest form being a suggestion of yoga to relieve stress, a nightguard into the Mastication muscles, and if extremely complex, we may recommend oral surgery.
TMJ disorders can affect many things. It can cause loss of sleep and restlessness, which can cascade into many other medical problems. TMJ disorders can also affect one’s dentition. If you are grinding or clenching your teeth, you are probably wearing away your teeth, which can cause bone loss in your teeth and premature tooth loss. You can have a collapsed bite and may end up needing a full-mouth reconstruction that could include implants and crowns for every tooth, or even dentures in extremely advanced cases in order to open the bite.
The diagnosis and treatment of TMJ issues is extremely important in order to prevent more severe issues. Please come to our office for a complimentary consultation to see if you are a victim of TMJ disorders.
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