Dental emergencies can happen anytime, causing pain and other symptoms that require immediate attention. At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, Dr. Isaac Kashani is top-rated emergency dentists in Northridge, CA, offering an array of treatments to relieve symptoms and prevent further damage in patients with as-needed appointments.

Emergency Dentistry Q & A

What kinds of problems or issues are considered dental emergencies?

A dental emergency is any issue that causes pain or discomfort, that affects or impairs the normal function of the teeth or jaws, or that appears out of the ordinary. For example, a white patch in the mouth or throat that doesn’t resolve within a week or so. These issues require emergency or urgent care in order to relieve pain and other symptoms and to prevent the issue from becoming worse.

What kinds of emergency treatments does Northridge Advanced Dentistry provide?

We’re a fully-equipped emergency dentist practice providing care and treatment for an array of dental emergencies, including:

  • toothaches

  • swollen, tender gums

  • lacerations or cuts in the lips or soft tissues

  • loose or broken restorations, including fillings, crowns, bridges and dentures

  • damaged dental implants

  • broken or chipped teeth

  • teeth that have been knocked out

Any issue causing pain or dysfunction should be reported to the office immediately to determine the next step in care.

What should I do if a tooth is knocked out?

A healthy adult tooth that’s knocked out often can be replaced or replanted if you seek care immediately. After calling the office, carefully rinse the tooth to remove any debris, then place it back in the socket, gently biting on a piece of clean cloth to keep it in place until you can receive care. If the tooth can’t be placed back in the socket, place it between the cheek and gum or in a glass of water or milk. Be very careful not to touch the root which can be damaged or infected by the germs on your fingers.

How can I prevent a dental emergency?

Strong, healthy teeth are less likely to become damaged by decay or to develop infections or abscesses. Seeing the dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings and having minor issues corrected right away is the best way to make sure teeth stay healthy and strong. Also be sure to brush and floss regularly and using the proper techniques. Wearing a mouthguard when participating in sports can protect the teeth and the jaws from damage due to impacts or falls.

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