Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial for the health of both your gums and teeth. It involves developing regular habits such as scheduling regular dental check-ups, practicing frequent teeth cleaning, and reducing sugar consumption, among other behaviors. More than just preventing cavities and gum disease, oral hygiene plays a crucial role in overall health. Untreated gum disease and tooth decay can cause significant discomfort, and tooth loss, and even impact one's self-confidence. 

These issues could lead to speech problems, malnutrition, and other challenges in one's job, personal life, or school. However, you can prevent these dental problems by practicing proper oral hygiene both at home and during your visits to the dentist's office. By following the following oral hygiene techniques, you can maintain healthy gums and teeth while minimizing the frequency of dental visits: 

Maintain a Routine of Daily Brushing 

Most people are aware that brushing their teeth twice a day is crucial to removing plaque and bacteria and keeping the teeth clean. However, using proper brushing methods is essential if you want to brush effectively. Make sure you get the inner, outer, and front surfaces of each tooth by brushing in a circular motion. The whole process can take no more than three minutes. Additionally, you should avoid swiveling back and forth. 

Gum and tooth enamel can be damaged by brushing too vigorously or using toothbrushes with hard bristles. Hard brushing could lead to irreversible tooth damage, tooth sensitivity, and gum erosion. Dental professionals often recommend using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Additionally, you should replace your toothbrush every 3 months. 

Visit The Dentist's Office Regularly 

Most dental professionals advise scheduling a six-month checkup with your dentist. The dental professional will examine the teeth, clean them, and remove any plaque buildup. In addition, the dental specialist thoroughly examines for any physical symptoms of cavities, periodontal disease, or oral cancer. The dentist might use radioactive rays to identify dental cavities in some cases. 

According to a recent study, children and teenagers should see their dentists at least after 6 months to help avoid cavities. However, if a child maintains proper dental hygiene every day, they might require fewer visits to the dentist. You can make arrangements with your dentist's office to assist you in determining and planning your dental visit. 

The frequency with which you should see your dentist will vary based on your health history, age, and oral health. You should see your dentist as soon as you detect any alterations in your oral cavity. For instance, you should visit your dentist promptly if you feel sensitive to hot or cold foods. 

Limit Foods High In Sugar And Starch 

Sugary foods are known to cause cavities. Desserts, processed sugars, and candy fall under this category. WHO recommends that people limit their intake of sugary foods to less than 10% of their calorie consumption each day. Dental specialists believe that reducing the proportion to 5% could further minimize the likelihood of getting dental problems. 

According to dental professionals, foods high in starch, such as pasta, bread, and crackers, might cause dental cavities. Foods like these tend to linger in the oral cavity, where they break down sugars that bacteria rely on to produce acid. The acids that these bacteria form can lead to tooth decay. You can switch to vegetables, dairy products, and fiber-rich fruits without adding additional sugars from high-starch diets. 

Daily Flossing 

Flossing is a healthy dental hygiene practice. When you floss properly, you can get rid of food particles and plaque in areas that a toothbrush can't reach, particularly in the spaces between the teeth and along the gum line. It is essential to floss your teeth because plaque buildup could result in tooth decay and gum disease. 

There are two types of floss that you can use: 

  • PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) floss.
  • Nylon thread floss. 

There are multiple flavors and options for waxed and unwaxed nylon. Since nylon floss is made up of several nylon strands, it's susceptible to tearing or shredding, especially if the teeth have tight points of contact. 

On the other hand, PTFE dental floss is more expensive but readily slips between the teeth, even if they are in tight spots. Additionally, PTFE floss resists shredding. When used properly, the two kinds of floss are highly efficient at eliminating plaque and dirt. 

Drink a Lot of Water 

Keeping your mouth hydrated is crucial. You should consume at least eight ounces of water each day. Drinking water after meals is also important. If you are unable to access your toothbrush after meals, one way to wash away bacteria is by drinking water. Food residues break down, resulting in cavities and acid buildup on the teeth. Drinking water significantly dilutes the acid in the oral cavity. Therefore, ensure that you take a glass of water after every meal. 

Use Fluoride Toothpaste 

Fluoride is derived from the soil element fluorine. Most dental professionals believe fluoride is essential in the fight against cavities. Fluoride serves as a crucial component of toothpaste and mouthwash. Evidence suggests that tooth decay could still be caused by the lack of fluoride in the mouthwash or toothpaste even if you take good care of your oral cavity. According to dental professionals, simply not applying fluoride is not sufficient to protect your teeth from cavities, even if you floss daily. 

Treat Any Existing Cavities As Soon As Possible 

If you have cavities, take the necessary precautions to prevent them from worsening. For instance, it is advisable to avoid foods that are high in starch, regularly replace your toothbrush, use mouthwash, maintain good oral hygiene by cleaning your teeth, and ensure you drink plenty of water each day. This prevents the oral cavities from getting worse. 

Additionally, you should select an appropriate toothbrush that won't damage your enamel. You may consider using an electric toothbrush. Using a good toothbrush protects the enamel by preventing you from using excessive force when cleaning your teeth. 

Consider Your Overall Oral Hygiene 

The most effective way to prevent cavities and gum disease is by practicing good oral hygiene. You can engage a home dentist to take care of you and your loved one's oral hygiene. It is important to keep in mind that good dental hygiene not only impacts your oral cavity but also your overall health. A healthy mouth strengthens the immune system. As a result, you can more effectively fight infections and viruses, whereas an unhealthy oral cavity can lead to both long- and short-term health problems. 

Increasing Your Vitamin and Calcium Intake 

Even while your teeth create calcium, acids, and bacteria will gradually deplete your teeth of this vital mineral. However, calcium can be replaced by eating foods high in calcium. 

If your diet is not rich in calcium, you should see a dental professional for advice on supplement options. Additionally, taking lots of Vitamin D tablets can aid in the prevention of cavities. So, have your doctor prescribe vitamin D for you. 

Spit, Don't Rinse 

After brushing their teeth, many people immediately rinse with water. Many dentists believe that this is a poor practice. Avoid rinsing your mouth out with water just after brushing the teeth, as this removes any remaining fluoride that could have helped protect them. Therefore, after brushing your teeth, rather than rinsing with water, you should spit to preserve the benefits it offers. 

Use Mouthwash 

The use of mouthwash is recommended for optimal dental hygiene. You can lessen the acidity of the mouth by using mouthwash. It cleans where your toothbrush can't reach, including between the teeth and along the gum line. Gum disease can lead to recession of the gums and eventual tooth loss if left untreated, but mouthwash can help you fight back. 

Use mouthwash since it will restore minerals in your teeth and give you fresher breath. Plaque can be avoided and eliminated with the use of mouthwash. Plaque is a bacterial film that forms on the teeth. Plaque, when left unbrushed, can solidify into tartar, which can lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay. 

Brush Properly 

Keeping your gums healthy begins with regular brushing. Improper tooth brushing is just as terrible as not brushing at all. Plaque, which can lead to cavities and gum disease, can be removed from teeth by gently brushing in circular motions. 

Regular tooth brushing can stop plaque buildup in its tracks. When you don't clean your teeth correctly, you develop gum disease, which causes tooth decay. Brushing the teeth is the best defense against bad breath. Your bad breath could put off potential friends, relatives, and coworkers from interacting with you. 

Toothbrushes come in different sizes, so it's important to select the right one for you. Pick a toothbrush with soft bristles that fits your mouth comfortably. When shopping for a child's toothbrush, it's important to look for one that is smaller in size and has softer bristles. Using the right toothbrush will enable you to effectively remove plaque from all areas of your mouth quickly. 

Avoid Smoking 

Tobacco use has negative effects on oral health, specifically on the teeth and gums. Because tobacco contains nicotine and tar, smoking cigarettes will leave brown or yellow stains on your teeth. These stains will become more noticeable after you have smoked for an extended period. If you smoke cigarettes, your chances of developing gum disease increase. 

The toxins in cigarettes irritate the teeth. Low oxygen levels in your blood cause inflammation, which slows the healing of your gums. Also, tobacco use is a known risk factor for oral cancer. Regular cigarette usage increases the risk of oral cancer. The risk of tooth loss due to oral cancer is higher. 

Eat Crunchy Vegetables and Fruits 

Crunchy vegetables and fruits help remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth. Fruits are an excellent way to increase your daily fiber intake. Fruits, especially strawberries, have been shown to have a natural whitening effect on teeth. Strawberries are a great natural way to whiten the teeth because of the malic acid they contain. 

The teeth and gums also benefit from eating raw vegetables. Eating carrots can help you produce more saliva, which can help fight against oral plaque and bacteria. Saliva also aids in digestion and maintaining good oral hygiene. Vitamin A, which strengthens your teeth, is abundant in carrots and celery. 

Vegetables, especially crunchy ones, are great for cleaning the gums and teeth because they get stuck in the crevices between the teeth. Crunchy veggies and fruits can help lower your risk of developing mouth cancer and perhaps prevent gum disease. 

Brush Your Tongue 

One way to maintain the health of your pearly whites is to brush your tongue. Bacteria accumulate on your tongue when you take in foods and drinks. If you don't get rid of the bacteria, they will continue to accumulate between the taste receptors as well as other tongue tissues. 

When bacteria accumulate on the tongue, even rinsing with mouthwash won't help. Again, this could lead to foul breath and dental decay. That's why it's important to keep your tongue clean. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your tongue after cleaning your teeth. 

When you brush the tongue, you get rid of odor-causing bacteria. If left untreated, bacteria on your tongue can cause gum disease. When you clean your tongue, you get rid of the plaque and bacteria that build up there, which makes food taste better. 

Cleaning your tongue is also another simple way to keep your teeth and gums healthy and reduce your chance of developing oral thrush. Oral thrush is an infection caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth. Tongue brushing is an important part of good dental hygiene and should be done daily. 

Replace Your Manual Toothbrush With an Electric One 

The revolving head of the electric toothbrush makes it easier to get rid of bacteria and plaque from the teeth. With a manual toothbrush, cleaning your teeth is dependent on how you brush. 

Electric toothbrushes are renowned for eliminating stains from teeth, and maintaining the brilliance and whiteness of your teeth. The adjustable settings on electric toothbrushes make it a good choice for customizable brushing preferences. 

If you've got braces, an electric toothbrush gets into every crevice to clean your teeth. Using an electric toothbrush can yield more effective results due to its built-in timers, which automatically notify you when you have brushed for the required amount of time. Switching from a manual to an electric toothbrush has many benefits for maintaining good oral health. 

Find a Northridge Dentist Near Me 

By practicing good oral hygiene at home, you can enhance your overall oral health and save both time and money that would otherwise be spent on dental procedures. However, regardless of your oral hygiene practices, you need to see the dentist regularly. 

At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, we assist our clients in maintaining better oral hygiene so that they can avoid developing dental problems like cavities and decay. When you contact us, we will evaluate your overall health before giving you the guidance you need to take care of your dental health. If you are seeking dental treatment in Northridge, California, you can call us today at 818-701-3010.