If you are an adult thinking about getting your teeth aligned, you're in luck given the number of alternatives you can choose from to resolve your orthodontic issues. More and more adults are looking for ways to correct misaligned teeth, whether because they wore braces as a child, their teeth have moved out of their position over time, or they suffer from an overbite that causes pain.

Adults have a variety of options for straightening their teeth, from conventional metal braces to almost-invisible straightening aligners. The option you choose depends on the kind of issues you want to fix. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, but your orthodontist can help you decide which is most suitable for your needs and circumstances.

Let's look at several of these alternatives, the benefits and drawbacks of each, and how to ask the right questions of your orthodontist.

Why More Adults are Choosing to Have Their Teeth Aligned

As more people become more concerned with their overall health and well-being, a greater number of individuals are placing a greater emphasis on the state of their oral health. Adults who have waited years for dental alignment now have more incentive than ever thanks to alternatives for clear aligners like Invisalign. Some adults might have desired or needed braces as kids but were unable to obtain them due to financial constraints.

Increasing numbers of adults are deciding to get orthodontic treatment since there are so many different kinds of teeth straighteners and braces that are currently available.

Enhanced Self-Esteem and Appearance

It's only natural that lots of people would like to look better by fixing their smiles. Aligning your teeth to create a beautiful smile can completely transform your physical appearance. Feeling good about how you look can boost your self-esteem because how we perceive ourselves along with how we behave in social situations are greatly influenced by our appearance. A healthy, attractive smile gives you more self-confidence in both professional and social settings.

To Improve Their Physical Health

Straightening your teeth has benefits beyond just cosmetics. Too much space between teeth can cause inflammation and redness in the gums. On the other hand, crooked or excessively crowding of teeth can be hard to clean, which can cause accumulation of plaque and decay. Consequently, aligning your teeth can lower your risk of illness and enhance your dental health.

Teeth Shifts Over Time

While many teenagers and children are considered candidates for aligners and braces, adults may also require teeth straightening for a variety of reasons. Over time, teeth can move into new positions, making it harder to thoroughly clean them.

Some adults who may have worn braces as children may notice that their teeth shift gradually due to different reasons. Regardless of the reason, this can cause the build-up of plaque, which in turn causes gum disease and cavities.

Fix Jaw Problems

As an alternative to surgery, braces can be used to correct jaw alignment issues. Bad bite/malocclusion refers to a condition in which the teeth do not come together properly when your jaws close, which can lead to difficulties with swallowing and chewing.

Naturally, a lot of adults might also use aligners to straighten their teeth for aesthetic purposes. Your smile adds significantly to your level of confidence. Tooth straighteners can fix many of these problems for many people.

Options for Aligning Adult Teeth

Adults today can choose from a variety of methods to correct misaligned teeth. Some of the alternatives are listed below.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces can correct many orthodontic issues and are sometimes covered by health insurance. Traditional braces move teeth into their proper positions by using wire, elastic bands, and metal brackets.

As much as they have improved over the past decades, metal braces are still a good option for straightening out misaligned teeth, despite the bad rep they may have with some people.


The benefits of these traditional braces are as follows:

  • Control—The use of metal brackets and wires in traditional braces allows for precise tooth movement. They need to be removed by a dental professional, who can also make sure that they're correctly realigning your teeth. Traditional braces require routine checkups after every four to six weeks.
  • Durability and Strength—Brackets made of metal are very unlikely to misalign or break.
  • Faster Alignment—Metal braces have more control over your teeth and can therefore straighten them more quickly than removable braces.
  • Pocket-Friendly—Metal braces are often a very cost-effective option for patients.

The Drawbacks

The drawbacks include the following:

  • Poor Dental Hygiene—Due to the increased difficulty in brushing and flossing around the wires and brackets, people with braces are at a higher risk of developing cavities and gum disease.
  • Visibility—Some people may feel self-conscious about getting orthodontic treatment because traditional braces are so obviously visible.
  • Restrictive—You must be conscious about what you eat to keep any substances from shifting the braces, along with practicing good oral hygiene. This means that, among other things, you will need to temporarily avoid eating your apples, nuts, and candies.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces, like traditional braces, are attached to the back of your teeth instead of the front. They are less obvious than traditional braces, but not all orthodontists offer them.


Lingual braces have several benefits, such as:

  • They are discreet—The main advantage of lingual braces would be that they are concealed behind your teeth. This means that they are discreet and most people won't even notice they're there.
  • They are strong—The lingual braces function like traditional metal braces, so they rarely break or move out of position.

The Drawbacks

The drawbacks include:

  • Expensive—In most cases, the cost of lingual braces will be higher than that of Invisalign or traditional braces. The higher price tag is due to both the increased complexity of the technique and the longer period required to train orthodontic specialists in it.
  • They are restrictive—Like with conventional braces, you need to stay away from foods that are tough or that can get snagged on them.

Clear Aligners, Such As Invisalign

Invisalign is a teeth alignment treatment that uses a series of removable, clear, and customized aligners that straighten your teeth. The Invisalign tray is made of a flexible plastic that fits comfortably over your teeth. Your orthodontist will use Invisalign's mapping system to create a custom treatment plan to slowly move and align the teeth into their proper position.

The Advantages

The benefits of clear aligners are as follows:

  • Physical Appearance—Invisalign's clear appearance makes them nearly invisible, unlike metal and ceramic braces. This is unquestionably their biggest perk.
  • Comfort—The Invisalign brace is much more comfortable than metal or ceramic braces because it resembles a regular mouthguard.
  • Removable—Because Invisalign braces are capable of being taken out whenever necessary, you can eat anything you want without worrying about damaging or snagging on your braces.

The Disadvantages

Clear aligners have the following drawbacks:

  • They are Removable—This is an additional perk, but it also has the potential to be a drawback. The only time you have to take out your Invisalign aligners is while brushing and eating.
  • However, given how easy it is to remove them, it can be enticing to do this for different reasons. Therefore, it takes self-control to put on your Invisalign braces. If not, they won't function as efficiently as they should.
  • Inconvenience—Again, this is an instance where the removable nature of Invisalign could be a drawback. For individuals who frequently eat snacks throughout their day, having to remove the aligners and brush before putting back their clear aligners could quickly become tedious.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces resemble metal braces. However, they are typically clear or tooth-colored. Because of this, they are a more invisible and discreet option for lots of people who feel self-conscious about wearing braces.

The Advantages

The benefits of ceramic braces are as follows:

Visibility—Although they are typically tooth-colored or clear, they are significantly more obvious than standard metal braces.

  • Strength—Braces made of ceramic offer the same support level as metal ones.
  • Time—In comparison to detachable braces, ceramic braces offer a quicker orthodontic procedure.

The Drawbacks

Ceramic braces have the following drawbacks:

  • Size—Since ceramic braces are frequently bigger than conventional braces, it may be more challenging to keep them clean all the way around, which could cause sensitivity issues.
  • Durability—Ceramic braces are more likely to break because they are weaker than metal braces.
  • They can get stained—Ceramic braces may be more susceptible to stains due to their transparency or light color. As a result, you should refrain from eating anything that might cause staining, such as curry, coffee, and red wine.

Self-Ligating Braces

This kind of braces resembles conventional braces. But they utilize a sliding gadget to hold the wiring in place rather than elastic bands. Unlike clear aligners, you won't have to worry about taking off your traditional, self-ligating, or lingual braces, for extended periods or then forgetting to put them back again. All of them stay securely affixed to your teeth except if a dentist removes them.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth Aligners

Depending on your situation, your dentist can advise you on the best course of action given the various factors to consider. The following are some advantages and disadvantages of using teeth aligners:


  • When compared to the more noticeable option of conventional metal braces, clear aligners will likely go unnoticed by most people.
  • Usually, they don't irritate the cheeks and gums as much.
  • They are removable, so you can take them off before eating or drinking.
  • Comparatively, traditional braces can take anywhere from 18 months to 36 months to straighten your teeth, while aligners can do the job in as little as six to eighteen.


  • You must brush your teeth every time you remove the trays.
  • You must wear them for a specific amount of time every day to follow the treatment plan's schedule.
  • They are not as effective at treating dental issues as traditional braces are.
  • Even though aligners don't require "adjustments," you will occasionally get new trays to help with tooth movement. It will be necessary to see the dentist to make these adjustments.

Commonly Asked Questions About Adult Tooth Alignment

If you make an appointment with your dentist, they will discuss your treatment plan, needs, as well as any concerns that you have. However, if your dentist does not address them right away, the following are some questions you should ask:

How Often Will I Need to Go to the Dentist While Undergoing Treatment?

Even though alignment trays won't need to be adjusted like traditional braces, you'll still need to see your dentist regularly to monitor your orthodontic treatment and make sure they're all a good fit.

How Do I Keep My Teeth Healthy While Getting Treatment?

You can remove your aligners when you eat or drink. However, regular dental checkups and careful alignment tray maintenance are necessary to keep teeth clean and healthy.

Do Teeth Straighteners Cause Pain?

Even though the majority of patients say that wearing teeth aligners is not as uncomfortable as wearing traditional braces, you can still feel uncomfortable since the teeth are still moving.

How Long Will My Treatment Plan Last?

Your dentist can offer you a personalized treatment plan schedule.

How Much Does Orthodontic Treatment Cost?

The cost can be estimated by your orthodontist, who may also offer a schedule of payments depending on your particular plan. If your dentist is unsure of whether or not the procedure is covered by insurance, they can always contact the provider directly.

Once My Treatment Is Over, Will I Need to Wear a Retainer?

You should take every precaution to make sure that your newly straightened teeth stay that way after undergoing orthodontic treatment.  Your dentist will be able to go over the different retainer alternatives you have and make suggestions.

Find a Northridge Tooth Alignment Dentist Near Me

Most people experience difficulties with their teeth alignment either as children or as adults. Common dental issues that can be corrected with tooth alignment methods include overbites, underbites, and crowding of the teeth. At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, we are well-equipped with cutting-edge technology that can help you fix your teeth and give you a new smile. Call us today at 818-701-3010 to find out the most suitable tooth alignment option for you.