You want to enjoy good oral health, where you have healthy gum and teeth, allowing you to have that winning smile, a boost in your confidence and at the same time enjoy fresh breath. To achieve all these, you will have to properly maintain your oral health and make it a habit to visit your dentist regularly. Some of the most common causes of oral problems stem from the food you eat and the level of oral hygiene that you maintain. All you need is to establish healthy eating habits that will ultimately lead to excellent dental health and change your lifestyle. Oral health issues are never pleasant but can be easily prevented by brushing after every meal, flossing, avoiding snacking between meals, and taking plenty of fluoridated water.

According to the American Dental Association, almost half of the population has experienced some level of mouth pain in the last year. Though oral health is considered separately from other health conditions, you should take it seriously. Poor oral health could lead to other chronic health issues like diabetes and should be taken seriously. Understanding some of the most common tooth problems that indicate you need to see your dentist is essential.


Halitosis is a dental problem popularly known as bad breath, and it is one of the most distressing dental problems. Bad breath can be a result of:

  • Dry mouth,

  • Poor dental hygiene,

  • Medication,

  • Cavities,

  • Acid reflux,

  • Oral cancer,

  • Infection or

  • The food you have taken, for example, onions or garlic.

You can take care of bad breath by brushing regularly with a fluoridated mouthwash, but this will only help with the smell. To permanently take care of bad breath, you will need to address its underlying cause. When you realize you have bad breath, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist. The sooner you address the issue, the sooner you will have control of your confidence. Since bad breath causes are different, it's crucial to visit your dentist to assess your situation and discuss various treatment options.

Stained Teeth

A stained tooth is an oral problem that you will face due to medication, trauma, or unhealthy habits like smoking. When you have stained teeth, you can bleach them at home using some over-the-counter gels or visit your dentist, who will whiten them using a particular light or whitening gels. If you have surface stains, you can use whitening rinses or whitening toothpaste to remove the stains. You do not have to have your confidence shot down by stained teeth when you can bleach or have your dentist take care of them. Make a habit of living a healthy lifestyle as it will go a long way in ensuring you have excellent oral health.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked or broken teeth can result from an injury, grinding your teeth while you sleep, mouth piercings, biting down on food like popcorn or ice-creams among others. A crooked tooth may cause a lot of pain depending on the extent of damage on the teeth. You should not be worried if you have a broken tooth as you can have your dentist take care of the crooked teeth. Your dentist may end up filling up the crack with a resin-like substance or crowning it if the crack is over a large surface. If the break affects your pulp, your dentist may recommend a root canal and a veneer as treatment options.


Teeth Decay Or Cavities

Cavities occur when bacteria thrive in your mouth, forming a film around your teeth called plaque. These bacterias feed on the leftover food particles found in your mouth, producing an acidic substance that eats away on the outer covering of your teeth or enamel. When this acid erodes your enamel, it damages your teeth leading to cavity formation. Tooth decay can take place between the gums, at the gum line, and the edges of teeth filling if you have them. Some symptoms to look out for when suffering from cavities include; brown or black spots on the affected tooth, bad breath, and experiencing an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

You can prevent teeth decay by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth using a fluoridated mouthwash. Other ways of improving oral hygiene and fighting cavities include eating healthy foods and keeping your dental appointments. When you visit your dentist, they will assess the damage on your teeth and develop some treatment options like sealants, dentures, and implants, among others.


Toothache is one of the most common dental problems, and it is very uncomfortable and painful. If you can't make it to a dentist as soon as the pain starts, you can try easing the pain by rinsing your mouth with warm water to remove any food particles left behind or taking some painkillers to relieve the pain. If the pain is accompanied by pus, swelling, mouth odor, or running a fever, ensure you visit your dentist as these indicate a serious underlying health issue. Your dentist will prescribe medications to ease your pain and swelling to improve your situation.

Gum Disease

When you suffer from gum disease or periodontal disease, the first sign or early stages of the disease are usually gingivitis. Gingivitis is an infection caused by the buildup of plaque in your mouth, and some of its signs include red swollen gums, which bleed easily, bad breath, pain, and sensitive teeth. Some common causes of gingivitis include but are not limited to:

  • Poor health hygiene like poor brushing techniques,

  • Using your toothbrush for too long,

  • Pregnancy

  • Diabetes,

  • Tobacco use.

Sometimes you may be suffering from gingivitis without realizing it, as it can be painless at times, making it hard to notice. Therefore, it is crucial to visit your dentist regularly as they can help you prevent the disease and come up with a treatment option that suits you. One of the treatment options is having the dentist clean your teeth thoroughly, and after this, you should practice good oral hygiene, like brushing after every meal and flossing regularly.

You should note that if you ignore treating gingivitis, it can turn into a more severe gum disease known as periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to:

  • Tissue and bone damage

  • Loose teeth

  • Receding and shrieking gums

  • Bad breath

  • Bite change

  • Unpleasant taste

With periodontitis, your dentist will recommend a good antibiotic, or they can also refer you to a gum specialist.

Impacted Teeth

An impacted tooth is an adult tooth that doesn’t come up properly, and this means that the tooth came against another tooth, tissue, or bone. Sometimes the teeth may come at an angle that is not ideal. If the tooth doesn't hurt, your dentist may recommend you leave it as it is, but they can have an oral surgeon remove it if it is painful.

Dry Mouth

You may suffer from dry mouth occasionally, but if you notice that you are constantly suffering from dry mouth, you should seek medical assistance. Sometimes it's more common among the elderly in society, though it's not a part of the aging process. Some of the common causes of a dry mouth are:

  • cancer treatments,

  • nerve damage,

  • Diabetes,

  • Some HIV/AIDS medications.

Teeth decay can lead to a decrease in saliva production in your mouth, resulting in a dry mouth. Though a dry mouth isn’t a severe health condition, it's essential to address its underlying cause to prevent a health issue from arising and spreading. Taking water throughout the day will help relieve dry mouth, and you should avoid taking substances that are drying like alcohol, sweets, and caffeine.

Tooth Sensitivity

If you realize that your teeth are sensitive to certain foods, drinks, cold or hot air, you are suffering from sensitive teeth. You can overcome this by regularly brushing your teeth using sensitive toothpaste. You must visit your dentist when you realize you have sensitive teeth, as most of the time, it's an indication of worn fillings, abscesses, or cracked teeth. Tooth sensitivity can lead to loss of teeth if not treated on time. Always ensure you practice proper oral hygiene to help overcome teeth sensitivity.

Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is an oral health condition that develops over time due to prolonged sugars like sodas and sweets. Enamel erosion usually leaves your teeth rounded-looking and discolored. However, it can occur due to brushing your teeth too hard and for too long, though this occurrence is sporadic. Suffering from enamel erosion will lead to weak, sensitive teeth, which are more likely to crack or chip easily. One way of minimizing the probability of suffering from enamel erosion is by cutting back on your intake of acidic and sugary foods and drinks. It's advisable to brush your teeth using a soft bristle brush regularly and to take water often. After enamel erosion, you can improve your look by having some dental veneers in place.


Hyperdontia is when you find an extra tooth in your mouth, which could lead to jaw misalignment and affect your bite. When you realize that you have an extra tooth, it's advisable to visit your dentist, who will either extract your tooth or refer you to an orthodontist to help align your jaw, ensuring your bite is at the right angle.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding occurs during the night, although it can happen even when awake. This grinding can lead to:

  • Jaw pain,

  • Teeth damage,

  • Headaches

  • Earaches.

Teeth grinding may result from abnormal bites, sleep disorders, stress, new fillings, and anxiety, among others. Visiting your dentist is instrumental in treating grinding teeth as they will help you address the underlying causes. Your dentist can also help you have a custom-made mouthguard that you can put on at night. A mouthguard comes in handy as it offers your teeth protection and helps minimize grinding while sleeping. Regular use of a mouthguard will also help in correcting your bite.

Gap Between Your Teeth

A gap between your teeth can expose your gum to damage and make it difficult to chew. You can visit your dentist, who will fix this issue by moving the teeth closer. Having your dentist take care of the gap between your teeth will also help your overall appearance.

Root infection

Root infection occurs when the root of your teeth becomes infected by bacteria. This infection takes place due to cracks and cavities in your teeth. The problem with a root infection is that it can lead to the formation of abscesses, thereby damaging both the tissue and nerves surrounding your teeth. One of the signs to look out for when suffering from root infection is the continuous throbbing pain, making it painful and difficult to chew or even bite. You should note that you may have a root infection if you experience sensitivity to hot and cold substances in your mouth at the place where the infection is located. Sometimes, your face may be swollen around the place that is infected.

Visiting your dentist becomes crucial, especially when you suspect you are suffering from a root infection. Your dentist will assess your condition, and if they determine you have a root infection, they will treat it by performing a root canal. You don’t have to fear undergoing this treatment as the oral health professionals will put you under anesthesia while treating you.

Receding Gums

A receding gum can lead to other dental conditions like teeth loss caused by poor dental hygiene, high blood pressure, smoking, hormonal imbalance, genetics, etc. Receding gum is a severe dental problem as it exposes the root of your teeth, making it prone to infection. When you visit your dentist, they can recommend an excellent treatment plan suitable for you and help clean your teeth thoroughly. Sometimes if your condition is severe, your dentist may recommend a tissue graft to be done on your gum.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores are classified into two groups: cold sores and canker sores. Canker sores take place inside your mouth and are not contagious. On the other hand, a cold sore occurs on the outer side of your mouth and is contagious. Though mouth sores are not curable, you can visit your dentist if they last longer.

Tight Teeth

If your teeth are tightly linked together, you may end up with tight teeth. This condition makes it difficult to properly brush your teeth as the toothbrush bristles cannot remove food particles between the teeth, leading to plaque buildup. Plaque buildup will lead to the formation of cavities, enamel erosion, and bad breath. You can try to use water floss or thinner floss, but you can visit your dentist if you realize you have bad breath.

Contact a Northridge Dentist Near Me

Social interaction forms a crucial part of your daily activities, and it can be affected when you are suffering from a dental problem, especially one associated with bad breath. You will lose your confidence level, especially if you address strangers. Sometimes, you may not even be aware that you have bad breath due to your tolerance to the smell emanating from your mouth. This problem may be compounded by your friends, family, and colleagues, who may fail to tell you when you have bad breath.

If you want to rectify your look after an injury that results in crooked teeth or lost teeth, you must seek the services of an experienced dentist. Let the dentist assess your situation and listen to their advice regarding the available treatment options. At Northridge Advanced Dentistry, our team of qualified oral health specialists will assess your health and advise you accordingly. We want you to have that sunny smile that puts your family and friends at ease. Don't hesitate to call us at 818-701-3010 for any inquiries.